Bayfield Ag Society marked the end of the fiscal year Friday, November 24, 2017, as it held its Annual General Meeting. Following a potluck supper several awards were presented.
Nine members received Years of Service Awards:
20 Years
Don Brodie
25 Years
Ted Vander Wouden
45 Years
Ina Fisher
Kathleen Siertsema
Bev VanNinhuys
Afra Van Wonderen
Hilda Gerger
Doreen MacKenzie
55 Years
Carol Penhale
A Certificate of Achievement is presented to someone or an organization which has contributed to the Society over an extended period of time and Libro Credit Union was the recipient. The Libro Credit Union has fully supported the funding of the 4-H programs at the fair and ensures a staff member attends to hand out ribbons for the sheep and dairy shows.
The final award was the Meritorious Award which is only given out rarely. It is for most worthy support of the Society over a long period of time and Ted and Jean Dunn received this award. The two have a combined total of over 100 years of service to the Society and have exhibited leadership over most of those years.

The Meritorious Award being presented to Jean Dunn (Ted Dunn was absent for the presentation.)
The Ag Society is so blessed to have them as exemplary members.
David Pullen was the speaker for the AGM and talked about the history of forestry in Huron County. He, through a series of pictures, talked about sections in the County which were being blown away because of the lack of tree cover. He reminded everyone that crops grown beside a line of trees do exceptionally well a couple of rows from the trees because of the shelter and benefit the trees provide. The tree planting currently is only matching the level of trees being cut down within the County. He mentioned that the next species of tree which might be in danger is the beech. It is such a loss to have lost the butternut, the elm, and the ash.
At the Annual Meeting greetings were provided by John McPhee on behalf of Lisa Thompson, and Bart Scherpenzeel and Bev Jantzi for District 8 of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies. The new potential building project was described by Stephen Jacob. The past year witnessed a fair with a larger than normal attendance and a greater number of exhibits and exhibitors. A second Breakfast on the Farm was enjoyed by everyone and was a great educational event. The organization adopted its first formal logo to identify itself. The incoming executive will be: President –Jentje Steenbeek, 1st Vice President –Stephen Jacob, 2nd Vice President –Lorraine Shields, and Past President –Doug Yeo. Susan Lehnen will continue as Secretary and Jim Erwin as Treasurer.
There were several people who attended the event for the first time as well as many who annually come. There is always room for new people who would like to share their skills with an organization which organizes the annual fair –a community festival of sorts. It also connects with other organizations in the village and has developed a Breakfast on the Farm event. Its mandate is to give greater insight about agriculture. We all are connected with agriculture whether we are a producer, an agri-food industry worker, or consumer. All of us are part of the story and an Agricultural Society welcomes everyone no matter how they are connected. We can be contacted at
Christmas Update: there are a few wreaths left as well as three Christmas planters. Contact Don at 519 263 2404 or John at 519 565 2479.