Sunflowers & Scarecrows

President’s Message

The theme of our 169th fair is “Sunflowers and Scarecrows”.  What a wonderful combination!  The sunflower is associated with positivity and joy and when looking at them they lift our spirits and bring a sense of optimism to their surroundings.  Scarecrows are to protect where they are located.

The experience at a fair is one of joy and longing to see something different from our regular daily activities.  Joy is found competing with others through 4-H shows or any of the annual indoor competitions.  There is always joy experienced being amused by the demonstrations, unique activities, or entertainers throughout the fairgrounds.  Many of us are in joy at experiencing the food at a fair -often something we don’t get at the kitchen table.  Wondrous joy fills us as the fireworks are brightening up the skies touching our senses.  Some find joy in the sound of music found in the parade or in the evening performances.  Who wouldn’t be joyful watching the farm animals in the display barn or watching dogs herding sheep at the command of the shepherd.  While in the fairgrounds and surrounded by joyful activities, our visitors can be assured they are protected and safe.  The Board Members take it seriously that they provide an experience where things are priced fairly and reasonably.

Take in the fair by exhibiting, by experiencing the good food, by exploring as many of the activities as you have time for, and by learning about how the farm animals are raised.  Consider becoming one of the many volunteers who make our visitors time at the fair a positive and safe one.

Personally, I would like to thank all the planners for the work they have joyfully put into making this fair one we can always look back on as one we’ll remember.  Join us at the fair!

Doug Yeo, President


Homecraft President’s Message

Welcome to the Bayfield Agricultural Society’s 169th annual community fair! Come out and celebrate with us the joy of sunflowers and the charm of scarecrows, while viewing a variety of exhibits, events and entertainment. The challenge is open for your participation in the competitions on display all across the arena floor. Consider entering in any or all of our Homecraft divisions: Art and Photography, Culinary (Adult and Youth), Farm Products, Flowers and Plants, Fruits and Vegetables, Handcrafts, Woodworking and a broad range of Youth Class possibilities! That`s just inside; don`t forget to take your family to watch the outdoor agricultural traditional competitions as well. We appreciate all the years of support from the 4-H folks that showcase the best of our local and youngest farmers!

Now more than ever, we want to share the joy of family and friends; and, to learn more of the farms that provide the basic necessity of life: the food on our plates.

Hope to see you there!!

Pamela Stanley, Homecraft President