RCMP riders and horses with Cutting-Edge Cowgirls in the background. Photo by Melody Falconer-Pounder
RCMP Musical Ride Spectacular Display of Precision and Skill
Photos and Story by Melody Falconer-Pounder
The Bayfield Agricultural Society (BAS) and REACH Huron were proud to present the RCMP Musical Ride at the Clinton Raceway on Labour Day weekend – Aug. 31st and Sept. 1st.
Hundreds of people were in attendance to watch the riders and their horses performing a variety of intricate formations and cavalry drills set to recorded music performed by Canadian artists. It was truly a spectacular display of precision and skill!
In addition to the RCMP, the spectators were treated to a performance by the Cutting-edge Cowgirls from Mitchell, ON who also led those gathered in the singing of the national anthem. Members of the Steenbeek family from Stonecreek Friesians of St. Marys, ON also shared their beautiful horses as well as their carriage driving skills to an appreciative audience.

Stonecreek Friesians. Photo by Melody Falconer-Pounder
And then it was time for the main event. The crowd was abuzz as the scarlet tunics came into view and the anticipation built as the officers and horses that composed the musical ride made their way down the hill from the stables to the front of the grandstand.
Inspector Godard, the officer in charge of the musical ride since 2024, addressed the crowd from atop Police Horse, Comet. She shared that the ride members like to recognize their members when they are performing near their hometown. During the Clinton performances she noted that Constable Scott Peever, riding Police Horse, Greg, hailed from Goderich. She also shared that Police Horse, Victoria, ridden by Corporal Coleman had been gifted to the RCMP by the late Queen Elizabeth II in 2018.
Following these introductions, the ride began and the Mounties and their horses delighted the crowd with such formations as the “Bridal Arch” and the “Dome”, famous for being the picture on the back of the Canadian $50 bill in the mid-1970s; and the always exhilarating “Charge” formation.
At the end of the 30-minute performance, the audience was invited to the raceway fence to engage with both the officers and their horses as well as the members of the Cutting-edge Cowgirls.
Both before and after the show, the public was invited to the stables at the REACH Centre to visit with the horses and the Mounties. Members of the BAS took full advantage of the opportunity in between fulfilling volunteer duties.
“We had the pleasure of chatting with Constable Scott Peever in the REACH Huron stables before Saturday’s RCMP Musical Ride performance. Constable Peever joined the RCMP in 2010 and has been a Musical Ride member since 2020. He rides Police Horse Greg, who measures 16.2 hands, was born in 2009 and has been with the Musical Ride since 2015. Welcome home, Constable Peever!” said Janet Vogelsang, a director with BAS. “Each horse and rider combination has its own trading card, similar to a baseball/hockey card, that visitors can collect. Visiting the stables was a perfect opportunity to see these beautiful horses up close and to speak with the riders. They’re very happy to talk about the horses and their training!”
They are also very happy to help non-profit groups raise money for their causes from coast to coast to coast. Any profits realized from hosting the two performances will be shared by the BAS and the REACH Huron.
Post Source: Bayfield Breeze, Issue 791 Week 37 Vol 16, September 4, 2024