President Doug Yeo recognized outgoing BAS Directors Vicky Culbert, Doug Culbert (absent), and Jean Dunn for their contributions to the BAS over many years.
The Annual Meeting of the Bayfield Agricultural Society (BAS) was held in the basement of St. Andrew’s United Church on Friday, Nov. 22.
Following a delicious meal and illuminating presentation on “Chicken Farming in 2024” by Rick Kaptein, the business of the Annual Meeting proceeded. Greetings were received on behalf of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS) from OAAS Provincial Director Jentje Steenbeek and from Heidi Danen representing OAAS District 8.
Annual Meetings are held so that members can learn about what the organization has accomplished, approve the financial statement and proposed budget, and appoint people to committees and positions of leadership.
The BAS also used the event to acknowledge and present awards to individuals and organizations that have provided years of support.
This year, an OAAS Accomplishment Award was presented to Agri-Solve Inc. for its longstanding commitment to providing financial support for children’s activities at the fair. Mervyn Erb, founder of Agri-Solve Inc., accepted the award from BAS Homecraft President Pamela Stanley.
The second OAAS Accomplishment Award was presented to Catherine Thompson, who has provided financial support for horse shows at the fair for many years. This year, Catherine Thompson generously supported the Heavy Horse Show. In past years, when the fair featured a mule show, she supported that too. On behalf of her mother, Kimberley Thompson accepted the award from BAS Homecraft President Pamela Stanley.
The final OAAS award given out was the OAAS Outstanding Youth Recognition Award. This new award was created by the OAAS to allow an Agricultural Society to recognize youth volunteers who contribute time and energy or resources to their society. It is meant to honour an individual under 21 years of age in the current year who contributes time and energy to an Agricultural Society. The award was presented to Cate Thompson.
President Doug Yeo also had several President’s Awards to present. The first one was presented to Steve Willis for his many years of running the 4-H Sheep competition and ensuring everything is in place for all the 4-H shows, including all the cleanup after. The second award was presented jointly to Janet Vogelsang and Phil Heath for their involvement in many of the fair activities as well as the recent wreath-making fundraiser. Both are always willing to help with activities at the park. Yeo also recognized outgoing BAS Directors Vicky Culbert, Doug Culbert, and Jean Dunn for their contributions over the years. In Jean’s case, this has amounted to more than 60 years!
At the Annual Meeting, Doug Yeo was re-elected as President. As part of the President’s Report, Yeo shared this message with the group “A final note on outreach in our community. The Bayfield Agricultural Society has always been a part of this community. It shares its park with the community for recreation, exercising pets, children’s summer camps and now exploring for treasure. This past year, it loaned out its tables, carts and bar tables to four groups at no cost. The old display/chicken barn has been used by three different organizations to store materials for the long term and also short term. The old pumping station stores materials for two groups and the cattle barn over winter becomes filled with materials from at least two groups. For all these situations, our organization has not charged any fees, just requested written assurances that each group has insurance. The Ag Society continues its tradition of giving back to the community with our resources in addition to the fair experience that is put on annually.”
Several new people have stepped forward in the last few weeks to fill several positions but additional volunteers are needed. Anyone who wants to be part of an active fair and to see their area of interest as a strong part of the overall experience is encouraged to contact info@bayfieldfair.ca The BAS is also actively seeking a Volunteer Coordinator.
The hour-long meeting concluded, but people stayed to chat afterward. Gathering over a meal, sharing stories, and discussing new ideas for the fair, as well as celebrating the Society’s relevance in the community are all part of being involved in the BAS!

Homecraft President Pamela Stanley presented Rick Kaptein with a thank-you gift of a fresh wreath for his presentation on “Chicken Farming in 2024” at the Annual Meeting.