Jackson Hivert won Reserve Champion (2nd place) in the Youth Class Chocolate Chip Cookies Competition.

Over 1000 delegates from agricultural societies across Ontario attended the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS) convention held February 22 – 24 in Richmond Hill. Among the delegates were representatives from the Bayfield Agricultural Society: President Doug Yeo and Treasurer Jentje Steenbeek (District 8 Provincial Director).

In addition to speaker sessions, a trade show, and networking among the more than 210 agricultural societies from across Ontario, there were also some highly anticipated competitions. Winners of certain classes at the local fairs in 2023 competed at the District level in the fall, and the winners of the District competitions competed against winners in all Districts across the province at the 2024 OAAS Convention.

Doug Yeo won first prize for this photo in the Animals “Proud Moment” category.

Bayfield fared very well in these provincial level competitions. Congratulations to Jackson Hivert, who won Reserve Champion (2nd place) in the Youth Class Chocolate Chip Cookies competition. Bayfield also entered several photography classes and received three prizes. Congratulations to Doug Yeo who won first prize for his photo in the category of “Proud Moment” for his photo of a young girl with her first-prize-winning chicken. Other photography prize winners included Heather Robinson whose photo of a knitted tractor and farmer in the “Quilts & Handicrafts” category won second prize. Heather also won fourth prize for her photo of a Cayuga duck in the “Reptiles/Birds/Small Animals” category.

Elsewhere in District 8, congratulations are in order to Sharon Walsh, representing Mitchell & District Agricultural Society, for first prize in the Butter Tart competition and to Darlene Rogers, representing Kirkton Fall Fair, for first prize in the machine quilt competition.
Sincere congratulations to all of these winners!


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