There are definite signs that the Christmas season must not be too far away. Crews of people from the Bayfield Ag Society have been cutting boughs of cedar, spruce, pine, and juniper. There have been gatherings of folks who have been bundling the greens so that they can be wired on grape vine wreaths to make a finished evergreen wreath. Another crew has prepared over 150 bows to put on the wreaths.
The finished product will be for sale this coming weekend in front of St. Andrew’s United Church on Highway 21. Wreaths, swags, and bundles of greens will be sold on Friday November 18 from 11 am. to 8 pm. and Saturday November 19 from 10 am. to 4 pm. The price of wreaths and swags will be $25. Orders will be taken for larger sizes and available the following week. If the wreaths cannot be picked up on the weekend, they can be purchased by contacting Don Brodie at 263-2404 or John Siertsema at 565-2479. The money from the sale of the wreaths and swags helps with the costs of putting on the annual fair on the third weekend of August.
The Annual Meeting for the Society will be on Tuesday November 22 in the basement of St. Andrews United Church. A potluck supper will be at 6 pm. followed by a speaker. The meeting will begin at 8 pm. This is an opportunity to see what the Ag Society does and what its plans are. There is still room for someone who has strengths in publicity, organizing people to cover the gates during the fair, continuing the Ribs Fest, grant and support letter writing, organizing the set up and take down for the Farm Breakfast, and assistance with the pet display during the fair. Anyone interested could contact the president Jentje Steenbeek at 482-3020.
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