A Christmas tradition for many in Bayfield is choosing a fresh evergreen wreath made by the Bayfield Agricultural Society. A lot of local trees were trimmed of their boughs to make dozens and dozens of wreaths and swags/tails. This past weekend the bulk of them were sold; however, there are a couple of swags left and some regular sized wreaths longing for homes. They can be sold with a bow or without. If anyone missed picking up their wreaths, they can be ordered from Stephen at 226-441-2016 until they are sold out. There were some lighted evergreen stars available and a few bare grapevine wreath frames. All the money goes to assist with the costs of hiring children’s entertainment during the fair. Each year different entertainers are brought into the Bayfield community to add novelty to the fair experience. Last year’s money from the wreaths helped with the expenses of bringing in Miss T the Bubble Queen.
The Bayfield Ag Society would like to send a community invitation to its Annual General Meeting on Friday November 23. Annual Meetings are mandatory where the Society’s executive shows accountability to its members. It will present its reports starting with the President and Secretary and from its over 20 committees. It gives the members a true picture of what has happened over the year. In addition a financial statement is presented and Directors and Convenors are elected. The Bayfield Ag Society starts the evening off with a potluck supper starting at 6 pm. in the basement of St. Andrew’s United Church. A speaker will be introduced at 7:30 and the meeting, which usually lasts about an hours, begins at 8 pm. Those attending can come for the supper, the speaker, and/or the meeting. There are many who have said over the years that they could not be part of the Ag Society because they don’t farm. Wendell Berry stated, “Eating is an agricultural act.” His writings challenge consumers to direct where we want our food system to move. The Ag Society includes the producers as well as all the intermediary processors to the consumer. We need people in all stages of the food system. The community is sincerely welcome to attend the AGM and consider being a part of an organization which has a long history, has a rich cultural tradition within the community, and continues to be relevant in our current world. Do consider how you can help this tradition to flourish.