Some serious money for a quart of soy beans and/or wheat.  Quite serious money for a quart of Non GMO wheat.


  • One entry only in each category: 

NOTE:  801 -808 may be this year’s or last year’s crop to be shown in one quart jars with 3 seed head stalks attached to the jar (ripe or immature):

801.     White Beans

802.     Soy Beans

802a    Soy Beans

802b    Non-GMO Soy Beans

803.     Other Beans (named)

804a    Wheat

804b    Wheat

805.     Barley

806.     Oats

807.     Canola

808.     Corn (jar only)

809.     6” (15 cm) slice of first cut hay in a cardboard box

810.     6” (15 cm) slice of second cut hay in a cardboard box

811.     Haylage –sample in a bushel basket

812.     One sheaf of wheat – bound and freestanding (not necessarily grown by exhibitor)

813.     One sheaf of oats – bound and freestanding (not necessarily grown by exhibitor)

814.     Silage –sample in a bushel basket (last year’s crop)

815.    6 ears dent corn

816.    6 tallest field corn stalks (cut at ground level, no roots)

NEW  SPECIALS:  $150 is the first prize for: 

     802. –Soy Beans

     804a –Wheat

NEW  SPECIALS:  $200 is the first prize for: 

     802b –Non-GMO Soy Beans

     New specials donated anonymously

SPECIALS:  $12 is the first prize for: 

812. -6 ears Dent Corn

      813. -6 Tallest Field Corn Stalks

      donated by Hill and Hill Seeds.


1st:$5.00           2nd: $4.00         3rd: $3.00          4th: $2.00

Categories: Uncategorized